Software Solutions for SME Companies in Sri Lanka and Worldwide

Outsource to Sri Lanka

Outsource to Sri Lanka all your Software Development

Cyber Concepts Sri Lanka, is a Leading Outsource destination for Software and Web Solutions. Company was incorporated in year 2001. Custom built Web & Mobile Application Development, Responsive Web Design, Customized Software Development in J2EE / MySQL , and E-Commerce Portals are some of its key services.Outsource to Sri Lanka Your Software projects for a quality and reliable job done .

Technologies our professional web designers and app developers use include

  • PHP, Java
  • WordPress, Magento
  • MySQL
  • Andriod, IOS
  • Jquery/Angular Js
  • Laravel,Code Ignitor, Ionic, Spring/hibernate frameworks
  • OOPS development methodologies

Agile development with Scrum Project Management

Use of Agile development with Scrum project management methodologies has helped us to deliver results to our clients and start using the product faster than expected.

Software Quality Assurance

As a Top rated company in Up work a leading outsourcing portal our processes and methods are used to ensure quality at each stage which includes processes such as requirements specification, software design, ER Diagrams , coding, source code control, code reviews, change management, configuration management, testing, release management, and product integration.Our team of highly software engineers with with excellent English Communication skills are quite adept at giving hi-tech solutions to all outsourcing customer worldwide always exceeding their expectations.We have been serving offshore clients since 2006 as a Top Rated Agency with 100% Job Success in Odesk / Upwork . Click link below to see our profile.

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