Software Solutions for SME Companies in Sri Lanka and Worldwide

Outsource to Sri Lanka all your Software Development

Unlock the power of outsourcing brilliance with Cyber Concepts Sri Lanka! Since 2006, we’ve been dedicated to serving offshore clients, offering top-notch software and web solutions. We redefine excellence through tailor-made services, crafting dynamic web and mobile applications, seamlessly responsive designs, personalized software development, and cutting-edge e-commerce portals. Trust us to transform your software projects into masterpieces of quality and reliability. Embrace excellence, outsource to Sri Lanka today!

Technologies our professional web designers and app developers use include:

  • Open source technologies: Php, Java J2EE, MysQL, WordPress
  • Mobile Technologies : Flutter
  • Front end frameworks: Angular JS, Jquery, Bootstrap
  • Back-end frameworks: Laravel, CodeIgnitor

Project Management

At Cyber Concepts, we adopt agile development alongside scrum project management methodologies. This approach accelerates our delivery timelines, empowering us to promptly roll out products that go above and beyond initial projections.

Quality Assurance

We employ many comprehensive processes and methodologies meticulously designed to uphold quality standards at every phase of development. These include processes such as requirements specification, software design, ER Diagrams , coding, source code control, code reviews, change management, configuration management, testing, release management, and product integration.

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